What are Outfit Of the Week and Outfit Of the Month?
Outfit Of the Week
Want to show off your style? Well, then you've come to the right place. "Outfit Of the Week" is a program that Clomatch has started in order to ensure that everyone can express themselves in the form of short-form content, similar to that of YouTube Shorts or TikTok. The way it works is simple: You submit a photo of your outfit via the "Social" tab on the app. You will then be directed to the "Outfit of the Week" social page. This page will look similar to YouTube Shorts, TikTok, or Instagram Reels. Features such as liking, commenting, and sharing will be available. However, commenting can be disabled by the user if they wish (via the settings tab). At the end of each week (Friday @4pm EST), the top 10 contestants of Outfit Of the Week are selected by the Clomatch Team. These are the videos/photos that have the most likes. A poll will then be released the following day to decide who the winner is. Anybody who wins will receive the "Outfit Of the Week Winner" gold badge on their profile. They will also receive a creator's tag, which is important for the "Outfit Of the Month". All of the top ten contestants will receive an "Outfit Of the Week" silver badge on their profile. However, you don't have to limit your creativity just to one app. We suggest that you post your outfit on other social media platforms as well. This may give your outfit more exposure and increase your likes. Make sure to use the hashtag #ClomatchOOTW so that your followers know where they can support you.
Outfit Of the Month
Remember that creator's tag that we briefly talked about. Well, here is where you can use it. Outfit of the Month is a program that allows creators to inspire others' videos. Creators are made up of certified content creators on other channels, partnered celebrities, and the winners of "Outfit Of the Week". In "Outfit Of the Month", these creators have to compete in order to win the grand prize of $500. They also get the "Outfit Of the Month" winner platinum badge, which they can show off on their profile. However, don't get too comfortable with the badge, because it will be taken away and given to the next winner (unless you win again). On the last day of every month, the "Outfit Of the Month" restarts. Throughout the first week of the month, creators can submit their outfits. Each submission will be reviewed and then posted on the "Outfit Of the Month" page. A poll will then be released on the first day of of the second week. The day after, the winner will be announced. The winner will receive the grand prize of $500 and the platinum badge. For the rest of the month, the "Reflect Outfit Of the Month" page will be up. On this page, anybody will be able to upload content that was inspired by the winner's outfit. The top ten users with the most likes on this page will receive the "Reflect" badge.